
The sun that is bright

The sun is shining all bright and new,
There is something fresh in the dew,
Something which states the feeling of the heart,
For getting that perfect start,
For the day so bright and new,
Get up and get going for today,
Coz it's just another wonderful day,
Good morning to you!

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Have a good morning

Remove all stress from your mind,
Because its start of another beautiful day,
So close your eyes with divinity,
As you make a short pray,
Pray that your day just goes good from your heart,
For making that very perfect start,
Wish you a very good morning!
Have a nice day!

Morning fun

Good morning,
It's time to have a sip,
From your first coffee dip,
Morning is here and so is new hope,
A lot of new scope,
As you have a paper in hand,
It's time for you to understand,
That morning is finally here,
With lots of new things to cheer,
So, have a lovely morning my dear!

Look at the sun

Look the sun is shining so bright
In its glory and might
Telling you to get of your bed
And make plans for the day
Telling you to do sometime
Go and have your way
Morning is like an inspiration
Which sets out for the day
So, wishing a very good morning for today!

Wake Up On Your Toes

Morning bells are ringing,
Have you heard it yet? Come on stop lazing,
And,get down from the bed,
A new day awaits you,
With opportunities so new,
So start your day with a morning pray,
To have a bright and cheerful day! Good morning!

If you dream big you will achieve big

If you dream big you will aim higher
If you aim higher you will reach your goal
If you reach your goal, you will be content
Content reaching a position that you intent
Happiness will always remain in your stride
You will never ever feel deprived
Think about all the things in life
Which you always wanted but in spite
You did not get those
So start your day with a smile
Start your day with a positive dose
Live your life and dream along
A wonderful time is waiting for you
Good morning to you!

A Pleasant Day Awaits

Here is my morning wish for you my friend,
It will stay with you till day's end,
May you get everything you wish for today,
May you stay all hearty and gay,
Have a nice day,
Just a sweet good morning wish for today!

The day has just started

The day has just begun,
With positive vibes and fun,
So smile and embrace the same,
Reach out to your aim,
Because each day gives a fair chance to play,
So, go ahead and have a nice day,
Good morning to you,
For everything relaxed and new!