
My morning will become sweeter now,
Because I have just sent a wish to the most,
Sweetest person I know,
So, have a lovely morning and keep smiling,
Start your day afresh!

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Good morning to you my dear,
May your day start with a good cheer,
May you get want you want from heart!
For that awesome and perfect start,
Have a lovely day ahead!

Good morning to you. Rise and shine, it is a beautiful morning. Actually it is not and I can way too sleepy. So continue to Rise and shine without me. Good night!

There is always something to be grateful about every morning. Remember your reason and start your day with it. Good morning. Have a wonderful day.

All the birds are up by now and all the people are already working then why are you still in bed? Start your day fast with a big smile. Good Morning and have a nice day.

One wish in the morning,
Can help you spread a smile,
So, cheer is all I want you to do,
Not today but all the while,
Keep smiling,
Have a lovely morning!

So many colors of life were left untouched yesterday. Now today is the right time to grab them all in your life. Get up and get going. Good Morning and have a colorful day ahead.

It is morning everybody. So stop acting dead and be alive this morning. Have a kick ass day!