
It's a new journey

Morning is like a journey,
That takes you far and how,
You have many options on your way,
Through happiness and the day,
Explore the best you desire,
And reach for that star and higher,
Wish you a lovely morning!
Have a great day!

Other Popular Good Morning Poems


Each morning is new

Every morning brings in new energy for the day,
To get more smiles for the day,
Mornings are a lot about to cheer,
So, let go of that unknown fear,
Embrace the day with a smile on your face,
Accept everything with a grace,
Have a lovely morning,
Good morning!

A new day

There is nothing left now,
As it's a new day today,
All the things of night are away,
Everything just faded in dark,
Today is a new start with a new spark,
Birds are singing in their tone,
Some things known and some unknown,
Will have to find a new way,
As it's another day,
Good morning!

Good Day Ahead

What a lovely morning it is,
My wishes for you to rise and shine,
Be relaxed and your day will be fine,
What a lovely morning it is,
A start to a fantastic day,
Stay confident and have your say,
Good morning!

Give yourself a break in life

Give yourself a break in life
You deserve to take a lot more
Give yourself some respite
By walking through the morning chore
Make a list of things you will do
Make a lot of things in hew
Feel good as it's just the start
Feel good as you have chance ahead
Morning is such a great time
Morning time brings in a new cheer
Morning time is really bright
Makes you feel so awesome and right
Wishing you a lovely morning!

A warm prayer

Begin this day with a warm prayer,
May you get everything that you wish for today,
Look at the bright sunshine,
This gives a positive cheer,
May your day be fun filled,
Is my wish for you oh dear,
Wish you a lovely morning!

Early Morning Sights

The lovely yellowish orange form of the early morning sun,
Signifies a lovely day that has just begun.
Take in the sounds of little birds chirping,
Which can only be heard when the world is resting.
Not too crowded, yet not deserted.
The roads are a sight of a busy city that is converted.
Have a Pleasant Day!

Have a good morning

Remove all stress from your mind,
Because its start of another beautiful day,
So close your eyes with divinity,
As you make a short pray,
Pray that your day just goes good from your heart,
For making that very perfect start,
Wish you a very good morning!
Have a nice day!