
The birds that sing

The birds sing in the morning,
To pep up your day and make you feel so good,
The clear blue skies and the wind,
I wish I could,
Just come to you and hug you tight,
Then you would feel all bright,
For now, good morning wish from me,
May you be able to see,
All the wonderful glee,
Good morning to you!

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Morning Brings Hope

A day, however good or bad, has gone by,
Now it is the time to look at the bright blue sky.

The sea that gleams with the light of the shining sun,
and birds that chirp with pride, ask us to join in the fun.

Morning is a God's way of reminding all of us,
That love and hope still exists in the world.

Good morning dear. Have a lovely day!

Happy morning

A very good morning to the most important person I know,
Don't have many words to show,
But, just know that I care a lot,
You are always in my prayers and thought,
So wish you a good day ahead,
Be prepared for a super day,
Wish you a super good morning for today!

Wake Up On Your Toes

Morning bells are ringing,
Have you heard it yet? Come on stop lazing,
And,get down from the bed,
A new day awaits you,
With opportunities so new,
So start your day with a morning pray,
To have a bright and cheerful day! Good morning!

Have a good morning

Remove all stress from your mind,
Because its start of another beautiful day,
So close your eyes with divinity,
As you make a short pray,
Pray that your day just goes good from your heart,
For making that very perfect start,
Wish you a very good morning!
Have a nice day!

New start for the day

The start of a new day,
Brings many new opportunities your way,
Choose the best you can this day,
Begin your day with special pray,
And reach where you desire,
Coz you have what is required,
To be number one,
Wish you a lovely morning,
Have an awesome day!

It's a new journey

Morning is like a journey,
That takes you far and how,
You have many options on your way,
Through happiness and the day,
Explore the best you desire,
And reach for that star and higher,
Wish you a lovely morning!
Have a great day!

Each morning is new

Every morning brings in new energy for the day,
To get more smiles for the day,
Mornings are a lot about to cheer,
So, let go of that unknown fear,
Embrace the day with a smile on your face,
Accept everything with a grace,
Have a lovely morning,
Good morning!