
Please welcome this new day with a smile on your face,
Make your most special place,
Have a lovely morning my dear
Spread around all the cheer!
Good morning!

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The cruel alarm rings and you know it is morning already. But hey, look at it this way, God sings to you through the alarm to tell you how happy he is that you are alive. Good morning.

You to me are like coffee; you give me energy to move into each passing day. Good morning to you my Coffee.

God has taken away the darkness and painted it with the beautiful sunlight. Open your eyes wide, wash your face and get ready to celebrate this beautiful day with enthusiasm and zeal. Good morning to you.

This life is too short to miss out on it by sleeping. So wake up and live it to the fullest. Good morning.

It is a great morning. Share your happiness with others. One kind word, one sweet smile, one gentle touch or one warm hug can make a difference. Spread the love this morning. Good morning my love.

Every moment of this new day is special,
Because it may bring new hopes and new aspirations!
Wish you a lovely morning!
Good morning!

Each morning God gives you too chances, you can either continue to dream by going back to sleep or wake up and make those dreams turn into reality. Good morning.